If a creeper explodes in a forest…

If a creeper explodes in a forest, does anyone hear it?

Here I am testing the FRAPS demo on my Windows 7 partition, which only records 30 seconds at a time. This is enough time to find a creeper in Minecraft and avoid dying to his explosion.

This was ridiculously hard to create using free software, because all the programs I tried to use to slow down the video also removed the audio. I had the extract the sound and slow it down in Audacity, then re-encode it onto a slowed copy of the video. It was difficult, but here it is. Me surviving a creeper explosion.

Action Movie FX App Review

Search the App Store for “Action Movie” to find this App for your iPhone or iPod Touch. It lets you records short video clips and add special effects, most of which are things crashing or blowing up. Check it out, the first few effects are free, the rest will cost ya. If you have any idea for a video, let me know and I’ll buy the effects and record something for you.

Convert Cassette Tape to Digital MP3 file

Ion Audio USB Portable Tape-to-MP3 Player with Headphones

The ION Tape Express Tape-To-MP3 Converter/Player appears to be just what I need to transfer my old audio recordings off cassette tape into a modern digital format, so I can finally get rid of my dusty box of old tapes. Will it work? Who knows? Seriously, who gives a crap. I’ll try it and see what happens.

Super Electro-Magnet

Something unexpected happened when I decided to try out this super electromagnet device that I bought on eBay. The seller said it was like the Road Runner cartoon when Wile E. Coyote tried to catch the Roadrunner with a giant magnet. I did not believe them!!

After charging up the gadget, and switching it on with the remote control, my experiment was “interrupted”. Now I’ll have to repave the driveway.

What is up with those ten hour videos?

The longest video possible on Youtube now seems to be ten hours. Some youtubers have uploaded 10 hour long videos with annoying looped animations, and challenged people to watch the whole thing. Maybe I should get in on this! But how?

Jeep Mishap

The 1998 Jeep Cherokee Classic. It is a true American classic, from the part time four wheel drive, the classic style, the six cylinder engine. Look out!

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